Comment #2 from:

Anonymous[215] • Disclaimer says:

December 26, 2022 at 6:50 pm GMT • 3.9 days ago • 400 Words   

This piece is an important caveat.

All these weasels demanding proof that the sun will come up tomorrow.

·         We know CIA whacked JFK.

·         We know CIA whacked RFK.

·         We know CIA whacked Malcom X and two of his international interlocutors.

·         We know CIA whacked MLK.

·         We know CIA tried and failed to whack Reagan.

·         We know CIA blew up OKC.

·         We know CIA [first] tried and failed to blow up the WTC, and [then] got it right the second time, with competent foreign assistance.

·         We know CIA committed sneak attack aggression with banned biological weapons on China and Iran.

CIA did this because CIA has impunity in municipal law, regulation, judicial precedent, and sub rosa MOUs – a dozen get-out-of-jail-free cards. CIA can kill you and torture you and get away with it. The weasels are struggling to divert your attention from the most obvious shit of all, and the most unmentionable. When an institution has the arbitrary life-and-death power of impunity, they’re in charge. CIA is the apex of the US command structure.

[deafblind] Helen Keller couldn’t miss this if you chopped her fingers off. It’s open source, for fuck’s sake. RTFM, NSCID-6§3b, . In a state of emergency, like the ones we’ve been in for two decades, CIA initiates DoD action with its control of SIGINT, pending a decision of the CIA-staffed National Security Council. You will notice that the president is nowhere mentioned in this emergency command structure.

The whole world knows this. CIA-appointed presidential spy brat GW Bush shoehorned Bolton into the UN over Congress’ dead body to keep the word impunity out of the World Summit Outcome document. Because that’s the only touchy part. Since inception CIA has done it all, because it’s up to them, and because they can. Even though Bolton censored the Outcome, the world is encroaching materially on CIA impunity. The UNTOC is a legal framework for international solidarity to counter CIA. Because CIA is Transnational Organized Crime [TOC].

[See, in the USA,] You’re ruled by premodern Oriental potentates with arbitrary power. They sit in Langley. Until you storm the NHB [New Headquarters Building] like the Germans stormed the Stasi, this sanguinary grabass will continue. Fuck Jan. 6. They went to the decoy capital. You want to stop being a downtrodden worm? You got to lustrate, prosecute, extradite or hang the CIA scumbags.

• Thanks: Realist

• Replies: @Sim@TheTrumanShow@Kim@White Monkey@SicSemper@RestiveUs@Francis Miville